my Indigenous language
learning journey
ᐱᒥᐢᑲᐤ pimiskaw
she is paddling a canoe
ᐱᒥᐢᑲᐤ pimiskaw
she is paddling a canoe
ᐊᐧᐦᐋᐧᑭᐢᑎᑫᐧᔮᐤ wahwâkistikweyâw
the river has many bends and curves
the river has many bends and curves
ᐋᐢᑲᐤ âskaw ᐯᑲᑲᒧᐤ ekakamow
sometimes it is muddy
sometimes it is muddy
ᐃᑖᐦᐅᑯᐤ itâhokow
she is carried along by the current
ᓈᑖᐦᐅᐁᐧᐤ nâtâhowew
she goes toward people, paddling a canoe
ᐋᐧᐢᑲᒣᔨᐦᑕᒼ wâskameyihtam she is more aware
ᒥᔪᐧᐋᑎᒻ ᒼmiyuwaatim
she rejoices
she rejoices
photo of Parsnip River, B.C., by Murray Foubister; poem created with the help of